My Research Program
Over the last 10 years, Dr. Liddy has developed a robust program of research around eConsult, the transformative digital health tool she was instrumental in creating. This research has demonstrated eConsult's ability to improve access and quality of care.
Dr. Liddy's current University Research Chair in eConsult and Primary Healthcare Delivery aims to improve access to care for vulnerable populations by leveraging eConsult through supporting the study of eConsult’s impact on improving access to care for people living with chronic pain, dementia, residents in Long Term Care (LTC) homes and penitentiaries, and other vulnerable populations.
Our ongoing evaluation activities track and measure of the adoption and meaningful use of eConsult (electronic consultation) services and disseminate those results to stakeholders.
Since the onset of COVID-19, our research program has engaged in projects related to the development, current scope, and use of digital learning tools for medical students and family medicine residents.
Our research team is currently exploring the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing to advance insights into the eConsult dataset and supplement research activities.
Our research program seeks to address the unattached patient problem by collaborating with the City of Ottawa and Ministry of Health to expand access to comprehensive family medicine to every person living in the Ottawa region.
eConsult is a proven method of improving access to specialist advice for vulnerable populations. Our ongoing dementia research aims to assess how eConsult is currently being used for patients with dementia, including what kinds of questions are being asked, by which specialities, and to what end.
Starting in 2008 and now funded as the Living Healthy Champlain program through Ontario Health East, our program of research has done extensive work evaluating and establishing programs to aid in the self-management of chronic diseases including chronic pain, HIV, and Parkinson’s.
Our research program has been monitoring the implementation of the Ontario Health Team model to provide support for the provision of care for identified priority populations and the spread and scale of the OHT model. We are interested in how eConsult can be best utilized to support the OHT’s priority populations as well as understanding the outcomes of OHT programs.
Long-term care research helps address previously identified gaps in care and supports the implementation and spread of eConsult in LTC facilities across Ontario,
The type of interaction that is facilitated by eConsults offers a unique educational opportunity for clinicians that highlights the importance of high-quality correspondence between providers.
Canada is currently experiencing a chronic pain crisis affecting 1 in 5 Canadians. Our research team is exploring an innovative chronic pain program for better care and faster access to specialist pain services across Canada.
Patients and persons with lived experience are an integral part of the research process. Our patient partners participate in our projects from the inception of grant writing to the end. They help to inform priorities, research questions and so much more.
eConsult is being used to improve access to specialist advice for aging patients. Our research focuses on developing better methods and tool for the early identification of frailty, identifying how eConsult is utilized for patients with frailty to facilitate smoother, safer transitions in care.
The Ontario eServices Program delivers digital services (eConsult, eReferral) that support clinical workflows, facilitate smoother transitions in care, and an improved patient experience. Our research program supports the implementation and spread and scale of this Program through research and evaluation activities.