Digital Learning Tool Research
COVID-19 forced medical education to reconceptualize how to train and educate students and doctors outside of in-person classroom, lab, or clinic settings. Our research program has led the way for the University of Ottawa Department of Family Medicine to develop and implement novel digital learning tools, including virtual reality and online modules that teach and enhance the clinical knowledge and skills of medical students and family medicine residents. Other projects to support this work include a scoping review of digital learning tools for family medicine residents and a survey of Canadian medical students and family medicine residents exploring what tools are used in medical schools nationwide and students' perceptions of them.
Digital Learning Tool Research Publications
Archibald D, Grant R, Tuot DS, Liddy C, Sewell JL, Price DW, Grad R, Shipman SA, Campbell C, Guglani S, Wood TJ & Keely E. (2023, January) Development of eConsult reflective learning tools for healthcare providers: a pragmatic mixed methods approach. BMC Prim. Care 25,15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-022-01948-9
Yan H, Rahgozar A, Sethuram C, Karunananthan S, Archibald D, Bradley L, Hakimjavadi R, Helmer-Smith M, Jolin-Dahel K, McCutcheon T, Puncher J, Rezaiefar P, Shoppoff L, Liddy C. (2022, May). Natural Language Processing to Identify Digital Learning Tools in Postgraduate Family Medicine: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Res Protoc, 11(5), e34575. doi:10.2196/34575.