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My Publications

All publications about eConsult are listed on the Champlain eConsult BASE Website.

Publication List

  • Nabieva K, McCutcheon  T, Liddy C. (2023, February). Connecting unattached patients to comprehensive primary care: A rapid review. Prim Health Care Res Dev. Accepted

  • Roy V, Liddy C, Karunananthan S, Backman C. (2022, July). Frailty Management Practices for Older Adults in Primary Care Clinics: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Nursing Student Scholarship, 9. doi: 

  • McCutcheon T, LaPlante J, Bibeau C, Cooper L, Hammond J, Helmer-Smith M, Houghton D, Burns KK, Mastin D, Turner K, Liddy C. (2022). Building Patient-Oriented Research Capacity by Co-Designing a Research Handbook for Patient Partners. Patient Educ. Couns, S0738-3991(22), 00299-3. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2022.07.001 

  • Boucher LM, Shoemaker ES, Liddy C, Leonard L, MacPherson P, Presseau J, Martin A, Pineau D, Lalonde C, Diliso N, Lafleche T, Fitzgerald M, Kendall CE. (2022, May). “They’re all struggling as well”: Social and economic barriers and facilitators to self-managing chronic illness among marginalized people who use drugs. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being, 17(1), 2082111. doi:10.1080/17482631.2022.2082111 

  • Yan H, Rahgozar A, Sethuram C, Karunananthan S, Archibald D, Bradley L, Hakimjavadi R, Helmer-Smith  M, Jolin-Dahel K, McCutcheon T, Puncher J, Rezaiefar P, Shoppoff L, Liddy C. (2022, May). Natural Language Processing to Identify Digital Learning Tools in Postgraduate Family Medicine: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Res Protoc, 11(5), e34575. doi:10.2196/34575. 

  • Sethuram C, Helmer-Smith M, Hammond J, Liddy C. (2022, February). Effective dementia care: what matters most to people living with dementia and five key components for delivery in primary care. University of Toronto Medical Journal. 99(2).  

  • Cooper L, Ahmed S, Bibeau C, Buckley N, Crowe L, Decoste J, Keely E, McCutcheon T, Singer A Liddy C. (2022, March). Impact of patient partner co-design on survey development in primary care research – A Case Study. Canadian Family Physician, 68(3), 235-236. doi: 10.46747/cfp.6803235.  

  • Liddy C, Boulay E, Crowe L, Dumas-Pilon M, Drimer N, Farrell G, Ireland L, Kirvan C, Nabelsi V, Singer A, Wilson M, Keely E. (2021, December). Impact of a Connected Medicine Collaborative to improve access to specialist care. CMAJ Open, 9(4), E1187-E1194. doi: 

  • Boucher LM, Shoemaker ES, Liddy C, Leonard L, MacPherson P, Presseau J, Martin A, Pineau D, Lalonde C, Diliso N, Lafleche T, Fitzgerald M, Kendall CE. (2021, December). The drug use unfortunately isn’t all bad”: Chronic disease self-management complexity and strategy among marginalized people who use drugs. Qualitative Health Research, 32(6), 871-886. 

  • Helmer-Smith M, Mihan A, Sethuram C, Moroz I, Crow L, MacDonald T, Major J, Houghton D, LaPlante J, Mastin D, Poole L, Wighton MB, Liddy C. (2021, October). Identifying primary care models of dementia care that improve quality of life for people living with dementia and care partners: an environmental scan. Canadian Journal of Aging, 1-15. doi:10.1017/S0714980821000635 

  • Dahrouge S, Deri Armstrong C, Hogg W, Singh J, Liddy C. (2019, August). High-performing physicians are more likely to participate in a research study: findings from a quality improvement study. BMC Med Res Methodol. 19, 171. 

  • Kessler D, Hatch S, Alexander L, Grimes D, Côté D, Liddy C, Mestre T. (2021, January). The Integrated Parkinson's disease Care Network (IPCN): Qualitative evaluation of a new approach to care for Parkinson's disease. Patient Education and Counseling, 104(1), 136-142. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2020.07.002 

  • Staykov E, Qureshi D, Scott M, Talarico R, Hsu AT, Howard M, Costa AP, Fung C, Ip M, Liddy C, Tanuseputro P. (2020, December). Do Patients Retain their Family Physicians after Long-Term Care Entry? A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 21(11), 1951-1957. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.04.016 

  • Wooltorton E, Seale E, Lewis D, Noel K, Liddy C, Viner G, Shoppoff L, Archibald D. (2020, September). Rapid, collaborative generation and review of COVID-19 pandemic-specific competencies for family medicine residency training. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(5), e50-e55. doi:10.36834/cmej.70254 

  • Mestre TA, Kessler D, Côté D, Liddy C, Thavorn K, Taljaard M, Grimes D. (2020, September). Pilot evaluation of a pragmatic network for integrated care and self-management in Parkinson disease. Movement Disorders, 36(2), 398-406. doi:10.1002/mds.28332 

  • Boucher L, Liddy C, Mihan A, Kendall C. (2020, April). Peer-led Self-management Interventions and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review. AIDS and Behavior, 24(4), 1-25. 

  • Shaver NS, Lapenskie J, Smith GA, Hsu AT, Liddy C, Tanuseputro P. (2020, February). How Often, Where, and by Which Specialty Do Long-Term Care Home Residents Receive Specialist Physician Care? A Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology, e[Pub], 0733464819901255. doi:10.1177/0733464819901255 

  • Shoemaker ES, Becker ML, Liddy CE, McClarty LM, Asghari S, Hurd J, Rourke SB, Shaw SY, Bibeau C, Lundrigan P, Crowe L, Ireland L, Loepky C, Kendall CE. (2019, August). Creating clinical cohorts: Challenges encountered in two Canadian provinces. Healthcare Policy, 15(1), 10-18. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2019.25942 

  • Boucher, LM, O’Brien, KK, Baxter, LN, Fitzgerald, ML, Liddy, CE, Kendall, CE. (2019, August). Healthy aging with HIV: The role of self-management support. Patient Education and Counselling, 102(8), 1565-1569. 

  • Dahrouge S, Armstrong CD, Hogg W, Singh J, Liddy C. (2019, August). High-performing physicians are more likely to participate in a research study: finds from a quality improvement study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19(1), 1-9. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Shoemaker ES, Crowe L, Boucher LM, Rourke SB, Rosenes R, Bibeau C, Kendall C. (2019, July). How the delivery of HIV care in Canada aligns with the Chronic Care Model: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0220516. doi: 

  • Kendall, CE, Shoemaker, ES, Porter, JE, Boucher, LM, Crowe, L, Rosenes, R, Bibeau, C, Lundrigan, P, Becker, ML, Asghari, S, Rourke, SB, Liddy, C. (2019, March). Canadian HIV care settings as Patient-Centered Medical Homes. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 32(2), 158-167. doi: 

  • Dorothy Kessler, Jennifer Hauteclocque, David Grimes, Tiago Mestre, Diane Côtéd & Clare Liddy. (2019). Development of the Integrated Parkinson’s Care Network (IPCN): using co-design to plan collaborative care for people with Parkinson’s disease. Quality of Life Research, 28, 1355–1364. 

  • Burchell A, Raboud J, Donelle J, Loutfy M, Rourke S, Rogers T, Rosenes R, Liddy C, Kendall C. (2019, January). Cause-specific mortality among people living with HIV in Ontario Canada, 1995-2014: a population-based study. CMAJOpen, 7(1), E1. doi:10.9778/cmajo.20180159 

  • Ben Charif A, Hassani K, Wong S, Zomahoun H, Fortin M, Freitas A, Katz A, Kendall C, Liddy C, Nicholson K, Petrovic B, Ploeg J, Légaré F. (2018, November). Scalability assessment of evidence-based innovations in community-based primary health care: a cross-sectional study. CMAJ Open, 6(4), E520-E527. 

  • Wong S, Langton J, Katz A, Fortin M, Godwin M, Green M, Grunfeld E, Hassani K, Kendall C, Liddy C, Ploeg J, Wodchis W, Haggerty J. (2018, November). Promoting cross-jurisdictional primary health care research: developing a set of common indicators across 12 community-based primary health care teams in Canada. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 20, e7. doi: 

  • Kendall C, Shoemaker E, Crowe C, McPherson P, Becker M, Levreault E, Rosenes R, Bibeau C, Lundrigan P, Liddy C. (2018, September). Patient activation among people living with HIV: A cross-sectional comparative analysis with people living with diabetes melitus. AIDS Care, 30(11), 1444-1451. doi: 

  • Kendall CE, Shoemaker ES, Boucher L, Rolfe DE, Crowe L, Becker M, Asghari S, Rourke SB, Rosenes R, Bibeau C, Lundrigan P, Liddy C. (2018, June). The organizational attributes of HIV care delivery models in Canada: A cross-sectional study. PloS one, 13(6), e0199395. 

  • Kendall C, Shoemaker E, Raboud J, Mark AE, Bayoumi A, Burchell A, Loutfy M, Rourke SB, Liddy C, Rosenes R, Rogers T, Antoniou T. (2018, April). Assessing timely presentation to care among people diagnosed with HIV during hospital admission: A population-based study in Ontario, Canada. AIDS and Behavior, 22(8), 2575-2583. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Moroz I, Affleck E, Boulay E, Cook S, Crowe L, Drimer N, Ireland L, Jarrett P, MacDonald S, McLellan D, Mihan A, Miraftab N, Nabelsi V, Russell C, Singer A, Keely E. (2018, February). Understanding patient referral wait times for specialty care in Canada: A retrospective chart audit from the primary care perspective. Canadian Family Physician, 13(3), 59. doi:10.12927/hcpol.2018.25397 

  • Kendall C, Fitzgerald M, Kang RS, Wong ST, Katz A, Fortin M, Dionne E, Kuluski K, O'Brien MA, Ploeg J, Crowe L, Liddy C. (2018). “Still learning and evolving in our approaches”: patient and stakeholder engagement among Canadian community-based primary health care researchers. Research Involvement and Engagement, 4, 47. doi: 

  • Asghari S, Hurd J, Marshall Z, Maybank A, Hesselbarth L, Hurley O, Farrell A, Kendall C, Rourke SB, Becker M, Johnston S, Lundigran P, Rosenes R, Bibeau C, Liddy C. (2018, January). Challenges with access to healthcare from the perspective of patients living with HIV: A scoping review & framework synthesis. AIDS Care, 30(8), 963-972. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Rowan M, Valiquette-Tessier S, Drosinis P, Crowe L, Hogg W. (2018). The Experiences of Practice Facilitators Working on the Improved Delivery of Cardiovascular Care (IDOCC) Project: a retrospective case study. Canadian Family Medicine, 61(1), e23-e32. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Nawar N, Moroz I, McRae S, Russell C, Mihan A, McKellips F, McLellan D, Crowe L, Afkham A, Keely E. (2018). Understanding patient referral wait times for specialty care in Ontario: A retrospective chart audit. Healthcare Policy, 13(3), 59-69. doi: 

  • Kessler D, Liddy C. (2017, November). An integrative literature to examine the provision of self-management support following transient ischemic attack. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(21-22), 3256-3270. doi: 

  • Kendall CE, Shoemaker ES, Crowe L, Rosenes R, Lundrigan P, Bibeau C, Asghari S, Becker M, Rourke SB, Marshall Z, Liddy C. (2017). Engagement of people with lived experience in primary care research: Living with HIV Innovation Team Community Scholar Program. Canadian Family Physician, 63(9), 730-731. doi: 

  • Kessler D, Liddy C. (2017). Self-Management Support Programs for Persons with Parkinson’s Disease: An integrative review. Patient Education and Counselling, 100(10), 1787-1795. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Rowan M, Valiquette-Tessier SC, Drosinis P, Crowe L, Hogg W. (2017). Improved Delivery of Cardiovascular Care (IDOCC): Findings from Narrative Reports by Practice Facilitators. Science Direct Preventative Medicine Reports, 5, 214-219. doi: 

  • Asghari S, Maybank A, Hurley O, Modir H, Farrell A, Marshall Z, Kendall C, Johnston S, Hogel M, Rourke SB, Liddy C. (2016, May). Perspectives of People Living with HIV on Access to Health Care: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(2), e71. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Johnston S, Nash K, Irving H, Davidson R. (2016). Implementation and evolution of a chronic disease self-management program in Eastern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 107(2), e194-201. doi: 

  • Deri Armstrong C, Taljaard M, Hogg W, Mark A, Liddy C. (2016). Practice facilitation for improving cardiovascular care: secondary evaluation of a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial using population-based administrative data. Trials Journal, 17, 434. doi: 

  • Johnston S, Kendall C, Hogel M, McLaren M, Liddy C. (2015, September). Measures of Quality of Care for People with HIV: A Scoping Review of Performance Indicators for Primary Care. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0136757. doi: 

  • Johnston S, Hogel M, Burchell A, Rebick G, Antoniou T, McLaren, Loutfy M, Liddy C, Kendall C. (2015). Developing a performance framework for measuring comprehensive, community-based primary healthcare for people with HIV. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 17(4), 361-384. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Johnston S, Irving H, Nash K, Ward N. (2015). Improving Awareness, Accountability, and Access through Health Coaching Qualitative Study of Patient's Perspectives. Canadian Family Physician, 61(3), e158-e164. doi: 

  • Singh J, Liddy C, Hogg W, Taljaard M. (2015). Intracluster Correlation Coefficients (ICC) for Sample Size Calculations Related to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management in Primary Care Research. BMC Research Notes, 8, 89. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Hogg W, Singh J, Taljaard M, Russell G, Deri Armstrong C, Akbari A, Dahrouge S, Grimshaw JM. (2015). A real-world stepped wedge cluster randomized trial of practice facilitation to improve cardiovascular care. Implement Science, 10(1), 150. 

  • Liddy C, Singh J, Guo M, Hogg W. (2015). Physician Perspectives on a Tailored Multifaceted Primary Care Practice Facilitation Intervention for Improvement of Cardiovascular Care. Family Practice, 32(6), 1-6. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Johnston S, Guilcher S, Irving H, Hogel M, Jaglal S. (2015). Impact of Chronic Disease Self-Management Program on Healthcare Utilization in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2, 586-590. doi: 

  • Bammeke F, Liddy C, Hogel M, Archibald D, Chaar Z, MacLaren R. (2015). Family medicine residents’ barriers to conducting scholarly work. Canadian Family Physician, 61(9), 780-787. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Johnston S, Nash K, Ward N, Irving H. (2014). Health coaching in primary care: a feasibility model for diabetes care. BMC Family Practice, 15(1), 1-8. 

  • Dutton H, Rowan MS, Liddy C, Maranger J, Ooi TC, Malcolm J, Keely E. (2014). Patient Perspectives on Discharge from Specialist Type 2 Diabetes Care Back to Primary Care: A Qualitative Study. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 38(3), 191-197. 

  • Dorland K, Liddy C. (2014). A Pragmatic Comparison of Two Diabetes Education Programs in Improving Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Outcomes. BMC Research Notes, 28(7), 186. 

  • Liddy C, Singh J, Kelly R, Dahrouge S, Taljaard M, Younger J. (2014). What is the Impact of Primary Care Model Type on Specialist Referral Rates? A Cross-Sectional Study. BMC Family Practice, 15(22), 1-8. doi:  

  • Naicker K, Liddy C, Singh J, Hogg W. (2014). Quality of Cardiovascular Disease Care in Ontario's Primary Care Practices: A Cross Sectional Study Examining Differences in Guideline Adherence by Patient Sex. BMC Family Practice, 15(123), 1-8. 

  • Liddy C, Mill K. (2014). An Environmental scan of policies in support of Chronic Disease management in Canada. Chronic Disease and Injuries in Canada, 34(1), 55-63. doi: 

  • Liddy C, Blazhko V, Mill K. (2014). Challenges of Self-management When Living With Multiple Chronic Conditions: a Systematic Review of the Qualitative Literature. Canadian Family Physician, 60(12), 1123-1133. 

  • Liddy C, Hogg W, Russell G. (2014). Implementation and Utilization of Disease Registries in Primary Care: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management (IJHTM), 14(4), 239-253. 

  • Liddy C, Blazhko V, Dingwall M, Singh J, Hogg W. (2014). Primary care quality improvement from a practice facilitator's perspective. BMC Family Practice, 15(23), 1-7. 

  • Hogg W, Donskov M, Russell G, Liddy C, Johnston S, Mayo-Bruinsma L. (2014). Approach to publishing for large health service research projects. Canadian Family Physician, 60(9), 854-855. 

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